1 Open meals are communal meals provided by a Korist congregation to individuals in their local community.
2 Providing food to those who are hungry positively directs one’s Kor energy through the method of providing joy to others, the method of reducing the suffering of others, and the method of almsgiving.
3 Open meals are open to all people, including outsiders to the religion. Unless they disrupt the meal or present a threat to those at the meal, no one shall be denied entry to Weekly Services, provided there is enough space and food to serve them.
4 Open meals most often take place at the host congregation’s church. If the host congregation does not have a church or their church is not available, open meals should take place at a safe location with the capacity to comfortably hold all attendees. If space at the host congregation’s church is a limiting factor in service capacity, open meals can be moved to a different location with higher seating capacity.
5 At open meals, each attendee is entitled to eat as much as they wish, but all food that is taken must be eaten, so that no food is wasted.
6 Food served at open meals should strive to balance a number of important factors, including taste, nutritional content, cost of ingredients, and time and effort involved in preparation.
7 Traditionally, pulses or other legumes are served as a part of open meals. Legumes are considered a sacred food to Korists.
1 Affirmation is a ceremony that marks the formal entrance of an individual into the Korist religion.
2 Affirmation is a celebration of life. It confirms the inherent value and rights of an individual bestowed upon them by their spiritual soul of Kor energy.
3 A child of Korist parents will typically be affirmed when they are very young. For those who adopt Korism independently, affirmation should take place as soon as they feel committed to positively directing their Kor energy.
4 Affirmation should always take place at a Korist church, if possible. Affirmation can take place in a different location if there is no local Korist congregation or nearby Korist church.
5 Affirmation ceremonies are traditionally scheduled on Sunday mornings, but can take place at any day and time if needed. Voluntary rescheduling is often granted if the affirmation ceremony is for one individual only and timing of the ceremony must conform to the schedules of certain attendees.
6 An Affirmation ceremony must be performed by a Korist cleric.
7 An Affirmation ceremony always begins with a collective performance of the Morning Prayer, regardless of the time of day.
8 After the performance of the Morning Prayer, the presiding cleric will deliver a short opening address. After the opening address concludes, the cleric will invite to the pulpit any friends, family members, or congregants that wish to say a few words about the individual or individuals being affirmed.
9 After words from friends, family and congregants conclude, the cleric will say the following affirmation rites to each individual being affirmed: “I hereby affirm you as a Korist. All rights given to you by your spiritual soil are now confirmed by the Korist Church. You must follow the doctrines of the Holy Books from this day forward.”
10 The cleric will ask the individual being affirmed to verbally accept the affirmation rites by saying “I accept these rites”. If the individual being affirmed is not old enough to speak and understand, a parent or guardian of the individual will accept the rites on their behalf by saying “I accept these rites on behalf of _____”.
11 The cleric will then complete the affirmation of the individual being affirmed by performing the cleansing ritual of affirmation. The cleansing ritual of affirmation is performed by dropping three drops of sandalwood oil on the individual’s head in the shape of a triangle, then washing away the oil with salted water. Attendees may clap for a few moments as each individual completes the cleansing ritual.
12 After all individuals being affirmed have been cleansed, the affirmation ceremony is officially concluded and all participants are officially affirmed. The family, friends, or congregation of the individual or individuals being confirmed can sponsor a brunch if they choose following the ceremony.
13 Individuals who have completed the affirmation ceremony are considered affirmed from that day forward, for the rest of their lives, and are obliged by Korist doctrine to positively direct their Kor energy as often as possible. Korists who are affirmed but not established are referred to as emerging Korists.
1 Establishment is a multi-step rite of passage that marks an emerging Korist’s transition to adulthood. Once their establishment is performed and completed, an emerging Korist is considered a full member of the United Korist Church.
2 For emerging Korists who were affirmed as a young child, establishment is traditionally undertaken and performed when one is sixteen. For emerging Korists who were affirmed as adults, one can undertake and perform Establishment at any time starting one year after one has been affirmed. Establishment cannot be undertaken or performed by individuals under the age of fourteen.
3 The first step of performing establishment is attending establishment classes. Establishment classes occur once a week for six months, at the direction of a supervising cleric. Establishment classes typically occur at the Korist church of the presiding congregation, but if the congregation does not have a church, another location can be used, provided it is safe and quiet.
4 Establishment classes educate emerging Korists in great detail on the doctrines and insights of the Holy Books, and how to apply the teachings of the Holy Books to their daily lives. Full members of the United Korist Church are expected to always live according to the teachings of the Holy Book, in order to positively direct their Kor energy with every word and action.
5 Establishment classes also instruct emerging Korists on how to properly perform and perfect the methods of Korism prescribed in the Holy Books, such as reflection and meditation, which are expected to be performed regularly and properly by members of the United Korist Church.
6 The second step of performing establishment is communal service. Communal service occurs once a week for about six months, similar to establishment classes.
7 Communal service is volunteer work that benefits the local community. Oftentimes, communal service is performed at the presiding Korist church, or in partnership with the presiding congregation, but it can be undertaken at any organization that exists for the primary reason of helping those who are less fortunate.
8 Communal service allows emerging Korists to make positive contributions to their community and help those who are less fortunate, while also reinforcing through action a central insight of Korism: we are all intrinsically and intimately connected through our Kor energy, and the suffering of others is as much our burden to bear as it is theirs.
9 The third and final step of establishment is establishment week. Establishment week is a seven-day procedure and examination that ensures the participants are ready to become full members of United Korist Church.
10 Establishment Week presents emerging Korists with physical and mental challenges, intensive study of the Holy Books, and activities designed to inspire further insight and commitment.
11 Establishment Week can take place at the church of the presiding congregation or in the local community, but often takes place in a secluded and natural location, in order to minimize distractions for participants.
12 At the conclusion of establishment week, participants who have successfully completed all tests, challenges, and activities will be transported to the presiding congregation’s Korist Church, if they are not already there. If the congregation does not have a church, another location can be used, provided it is safe and quiet. After they arrive, the presiding cleric will bestow the blessing of initiation upon each new member by saying “I hereby establish you, ______, as a full member of the United Korist Church. I present you with this totem, which is now binded with your spiritual soul.”
13 As each individual is given the blessing of initiation, the presiding cleric will present them with their totem. As they receive their totem, each individual becomes a full member of the United Korist Church. Other individuals currently being established, as well as any friends, family, or congregation members, may clap for a few moments as each individual is presented with their totem.
1 A Korist totem is an individual artifact bearing the symbol of the United Korist Church. Totems are traditionally made of serpentine stone, but can be forged from iron or bronze in rare cases.
2 A Korist totem takes the shape of a flat disk measuring between one and two inches in diameter, and is engraved with the symbol of the United Korist Church on one side. The other side can be engraved with a symbol unique to the individual, their community, or their congregation.
3 Totems are bestowed upon individuals at the completion of establishment week as a sign of their lifelong membership in the United Korist Church.
4 Only full members of the United Korist Church shall have totems. No other person may possess a totem. A Korist totem is proof of one’s full membership in the United Korist Church.
5 A member of the United Korist Church should carry their totem on their person at all times. Totems serve as a constant physical reminder of one’s commitment to positively directing their Kor energy, and of their belief in the teachings of the Holy Books.
6 Individuals with totems are typically assigned or bestowed with additional rights and responsibilities at their local Korist church or Korist congregation. As members of the United Korist Church, totemed Korists have the right to participate in all congregational votes and members-only discussions. Additional rights or responsibilities may be assigned or bestowed to totemed Korists at the discretion of their local cleric.
1 Festivals are Korist holidays that take place four times per year. They are celebrations of the four seasons, the passage of time, and our continued commitment and dedication to positively directing our collective Kor energy.
2 Festivals each last two days, and during the days of each festival it is forbidden for Korists to work. Korists should spend time celebrating, resting, and rejuvenating during each festival.
3 The Festival of the Emergence takes place on March 20th-21st in the Northern Hemisphere, and September 20th-21st in the Southern Hemisphere. It corresponds with the emergence of new life in spring.
4 The Festival of the Emergence is how Korists celebrate that the cycle of annual plant life begins again, and that the days are becoming longer and warmer.
5 The Festival of the Harvest takes place on September 20th-21st in the Northern Hemisphere, and March 20th-21st in the Southern Hemisphere. It corresponds with the maturation of annual plant life in fall.
6 The Festival of the Harvest is how Korists celebrate the organisms that provide sustenance and the last days of abundant light and heat.
7 The Festival of the Summer Solstice takes place on June 20th-21st in the Northern Hemisphere, and December 20th-21st in the Southern Hemisphere. It corresponds with the longest day of the calendar year.
8 The Festival of the Winter Solstice takes place on December 20th-21st in the Northern Hemisphere, and June 20th-21st in the Southern Hemisphere. It corresponds with the shortest day of the calendar year.
9 The Festival of the Summer Solstice is marked by celebrations during the light of the day that take place outside. The Festival of the Winter Solstice is marked by celebrations during the dark of the night that take place inside.
10 Festivals are joyous events and typically include feasts, music, dancing, and games. There are no restrictions or prescriptions, within reason, as to the types of food to be eaten, music to be played, and games to be played; specific communities or congregations of Korists may have unique ways of celebrating each Festival.