1 Outside the bounds of our universe, there exists an Eternal Plane. The Eternal Plane has always existed and always will exist.
2 The Eternal Plane is filled with spiritual energy called Kor energy. The Eternal Plane contains only Kor energy, and only Kor energy can exist in the Eternal Plane. Physical matter and other types of energy, both of which are common in our universe, cannot and do not exist in the Eternal Plane because the Eternal Plane exists outside the bounds of our universe.
3 Kor energy moves and flows throughout the surface of the Plane, like water flows over the surface of the Earth. The Eternal Plane is forever changing because Kor energy is forever in motion, similar to the way atoms in our universe are forever in motion.
4 The density of Kor energy in the Eternal Plane is not uniform. Kor energy pools to form spots of high density, and also spreads out to form areas of low density.
5 The Eternal Plane exists in a state of permanent harmony, peace, and balance. As Kor energy moves and flows, creating high and low density areas, the Plane adjusts itself to maintain equilibrium.
6 The aliveness of the Eternal Plane is known as Kor, the Universal Spirit. Kor is the totality of all Kor energy. It is a single all-encompassing spirit.
7 There are no other spirits, gods, or deities other than Kor, whether in the Eternal Plane or anywhere else, whether inside or outside the bounds of our universe. Kor is the summation of all spiritual energy that exists. All spiritual energy is Kor energy, and all Kor energy is spiritual energy. Anyone who claims the existence of any other spirits, gods, or deities other than Kor is false.
8 Kor exists beyond the bounds of space and time and beyond the bounds of our universe. Kor has always existed and will always exist.
9 Kor is impossible for us to visually depict or even imagine, since Kor exists only as energy. Any physical drawings or depictions of Kor are false, since Kor cannot be visually represented.
1 Because the density of Kor energy in the Eternal Plane is not uniform, pools of extremely high density naturally exist as Kor energy moves and flows through the Eternal Plane.
2 At a high enough density, pools of Kor energy can spontaneously collapse upon themselves, creating energetic explosions that forcefully tear open the fabric of spacetime.
3 Explosions due to the collapse of pools of Kor energy in the Eternal Realm create openings of spacetime permeated with Kor energy. The opening of spacetime we inhabit is known as the Universe, and the explosion that created it is known as the Big Bang.
4 Explosions due to the collapse of pools of Kor energy are the only points where the Eternal Plane itself interacts with openings of spacetime. Any claim of interaction between the Eternal Plane and spacetime outside of those points is false.
5 Since the Eternal Plane has always existed and always will exist, there are infinite explosions and infinite universes. The Big Bang is just one of infinite explosions, and our Universe is just one of infinite openings.
6 Kor energy flows through the space and time dimensions of each universe created by points of explosion. Kor energy pools and spreads throughout each of those universes, similar to its movement in the Eternal Plane.
7 Kor energy cannot be measured using physical means or determinations, since it originated outside the bounds of space time and does not have physical characteristics like the matter and energy of our universe.
8 Kor energy is not affected by any physical laws of our universe, such as gravity, since it does not have physical characteristics.
9 Kor energy is inherently attracted to living organisms. All living organisms contain pools of Kor energy inside them. Kor energy is separate from evolution and all physical processes of life.
10 When an organism becomes alive, it attracts Kor energy. When an organism ceases to be alive, it releases its Kor energy. The released Kor energy is then attracted to a newly living organism and pools inside it.
11 During the entirety of the lifespan of an organism, its Kor energy remains constant. An organism does not gain or lose Kor energy at any point during its lifetime.
12 The size and concentration of the pools of Kor energy inside organisms varies between species. Human beings are the species with the highest concentration and total amount of Kor energy.
13 Each human’s Kor energy is unique to them and never shared by any other organism during their lifetime. However, all Kor energy remains a part of Kor, no matter where in our universe it is located or what organism it is contained within. Our Kor energy is our spiritual soul, but our soul is always and forever part of the spirit of Kor.
14 Due to the high concentration of Kor energy inside of us, humans are able to direct their Kor energy. No other organism has this power to direct their Kor energy because the Kor energy concentration inside them is not high enough.
15 Humans direct our Kor energy through everything we do. Every word we speak and every action we take has an effect on our Kor energy, whether we’re aware of it or not.
16 The way we direct our Kor energy while alive determines where it will flow when our physical body dies and our Kor energy is released. Our Kor energy remains inside us while our physical body is alive, regardless of how we direct it.
17 Positively directing our Kor energy in specific ways prepares it to return to the Eternal Realm. If correctly directed, a person’s Kor energy will flow back to the Eternal Plane when their physical body dies. A person’s spiritual soul, the totality of their Kor energy, can only flow back to the Eternal Plane under this specific positive direction.
18 If a person’s Kor energy is directed in any other way, their Kor energy will be released back into our universe when their physical body is no longer alive, like any other life form. It will attach to a different life form in an endless cycle.
19 Kor falls out of balance when its energy leaves the Eternal Plane. Kor can only maintain equilibrium when energy that has left the Eternal Plane returns to the Eternal Plane.
20 Since no other species or life forms in our universe other than humans are capable of directing Kor energy, the only way for Kor energy in our universe to return to the Eternal Plane is through positive direction by humans. This process is essential and crucial for Kor to maintain equilibrium.
21 The ultimate desire of Kor is to maintain equilibrium and peace and harmony, which can only happen if humans in our universe are positively directing their Kor energy while alive, so when their physical body dies, their Kor energy will flow back to the Eternal Plane. Since our spiritual souls are composed of Kor energy, which is itself a part of Kor, that is our spiritual soul’s ultimate desire as well, whether we’re aware of it or not.
22 Through living and acting according to the precepts outlined in the Holy Books of Korism, humans can positively direct their Kor energy in the specific ways necessary for it to flow back to the Eternal Plane when their physical body dies. This is the ultimate purpose of each human life.